Sunday, January 22, 2017

Millionnaires are Not Rich Always

I designed the cost of living estimates:
[1] Calculate total monthly basic costs of living
[2] Determine yearly costs of living
[3] Subtract our age from 100 years in case you live to be 100 years of age
yearly costs X  [your age subtracted from 100]= Living Expense

The multifarious levels of living costs are:
For an 18 year old working 100-18= 82 years; and working  8 hours daily
$35,000 yearly= $2.87 Million
$40,000 yearly= $3.28 Million
$45,000 yearly=$3.69 Million
$50,000 Yearly= $4.1 Million
$55,000 Yeary= $4.51 Million
$60,000 Yearly= $4.92 Million
A high middle class home in America averages an income of $60,000 yearly.
Very few luxuries would be affordable.
I recommend  Placing; at the least, $3 million in the bank for living expenses before doing anything else. If anything happens; such as an accident that would prevent you from ever working again, you would have your entire lifelong living expenses paid.
This is the American 2009 cost of living data: